自2002年以来,土耳其经济一直在稳步增长和改善. 由于就业率的增长和平均收入的增加, 土耳其已经发展成为一个中高收入国家.

Growing economy

日本的经济发展有几种解释, 比如大规模的基础设施投资, a customs union with the EU, 还有竞争性的税收制度. The strategic location between Europe and Asia and the young and dynamic population are important assets to attract foreign businesses with aspirations to expand beyond Europe. Today, 商机存在于能量之中, healthcare, infrastructure, 电讯及零售业. 经济形势是有利的, but cultural differences can be challenging and are worth bearing in mind when doing business in Türkiye. 


日博备用网站日博备用网站之间的贸易关系始于18世纪. Nowadays, 大约有140家日博备用网站公司在 rkiye开展业务, 还有更多的公司与当地的经销商或代理商合作. Export from Sweden to Türkiye covers a range of products including machinery and paper products, 化工及医药产品, iron and metal, 来自汽车行业的产品, 电信设备及电器.

How we can help

Business Sweden has been active in Türkiye since 1991 with an office in Istanbul. The team has expertise and network needed to help Swedish companies set up a successful subsidiary in Türkiye.


Mattias Lindgren

Country Manager

日博备用网站公司在土耳其日博备用网站的足迹令人印象深刻. 专注于前沿技术, 高品质的产品和长期的承诺, many Swedish companies have experienced rapid growth over the past two decades. 基础设施投资, EU customs union and the beneficial tax system were also key drivers for this growth. 如果你正在寻找一个大的日博备用网站, 对贵公司来说是一个物流中心和有吸引力的生产基地, t rkiye绝对值得考虑.

企业在 rkiye中可能面临的风险和挑战是什么?

An important challenge for foreign investors in Türkiye is the frequently changing regulation framework. 我们建议与可靠的合作伙伴合作,提供会计和法律咨询. The country is also known for longer payment cycles in business, compared to some EU countries. 土耳其的商业框架也允许延期付款, 哪些因素会成为日博备用网站企业的障碍.


Family-owned businesses in Türkiye represent the most common type of corporate structure outside the government sector. In addition, the largest conglomerates have a significant share of the country's economy. There is a strong hierarchy in corporate structure where decisions are made by the most senior business people. However, 由于强烈的集体主义意识, 决策者通常会让整个团队参与到决策过程中. 这是对土耳其文化的尊重和礼貌, 你应该先和房间里年龄最大或职位最高的人说话. In other aspects of Turkish society, age is an important aspect that commands respect. Establishing a productive business cooperation requires a long-term perspective and commitment. People usually want to do business only with those they know and have experience doing business with.

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